Act as a popularizer of concrete behavior in concrete structures…
GPR detection is a technology using electromagnetic waves in order to validate the presence of elements…
GESCO-NOREX offers the ability to quantify and to indicate on site and on your base plans the observed defects and degraded areas.
As part of the Bill 122, it is required to proceed with the investigation of the facades of buildings of 5 or more storeys every 5 years.
As part of the Bill 122, it is required to proceed with the investigation of multi-level parking garages every 5 years.
GESCO-NOREX is specialized in identifying the causes of damage to your concrete structures and into the evaluation of different repair options.
According to the findings of our investigation report, GESCO-NOREX is able to assess the various options for remediation and repair available to you.
GESCO-NOREX offers plan and specifications preparation services for repair projects.
The use of an inspection camera allows us to access the free space behind the walls.
At any time during the execution of the work, GESCO-NOREX offers you the opportunity to act as a consultant to ensure the quality of these.
Moisture measurements are useful to complete expertise concerning infiltration and drainage issues
Conducting a visual survey and watering tests are useful in order to identify the origin of the leak.
Act as a popularizer of concrete behavior in concrete structures…
Instructor for CONTECH, “Centre Innovation en Programme Educatif”, Genium 360,…
Challenges and evolution of the repair and modification of concrete…