Instructor for CONTECH, “Centre Innovation en Programme Educatif”, Genium 360, ACI, ABQ, STM and RBQ
Seminar: Troubleshooting Concrete Construction,Maintenance, diagnostics and repair of concrete structures.
November 2005: Preparation and presentation at Montreal in collaboration with the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) about: Structural Injection Works for Sealing and Consolidation.
May 2005: Preparation and presentation at Montreal as part of a symposium on concrete structures repair in collaboration with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) about: Structural & Sealing Injection Works.
April 2002: Preparation and presentation at Montreal as part of a seminar on the repair, protection of concrete and masonry on Innovations and Challenges in Concrete Repair.
March 2000: Lecturer in Sherbrooke, as part of a seminar on chemical Grout Sealer for concrete structures presented by the Research Center Interuniversity on Concrete (CRIB), Case studies, Pilot Projects: Seaway Locks and Scroll case LA-2 S.E.B.J.
Invited professor at the “Ecole de Technologie Superieure” (ETS) as part of the construction engineering master’s program five times since 1996 about: Selection and implementation of specialized repairs.
Lecturer in March 1998 presented by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) about: Reparation multi-level parking garages in concrete.
Speaker at the 7th luncheon of the 1995-96 season of Construction Specifications Canada (CSC).
Lecturer in 1992 at the second conference on the consolidation and rehabilitation of infrastructure by injection techniques presented by the Centre for Research Interuniversity on Concrete (CRIB) about: Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Injection Techniques in Civil Engineering.
Speaker at the seminar “Advances in Concrete 1991 – Construction and repair of concrete dams,” presented by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) about: Unconventional methods to repair hydraulic structures.
Member of the Roundtable about concrete repairs at the seminar of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) in 1987.
Presentation of a conference about: Submarine Concrete Work Techniques in the framework of a seminar presented in 1984 by the American Concrete Institute (ACI).
Preparation and presentation in 1978, 80 and 88 of a part of the course on Advanced Technology of concrete. This course was offered by the Sherbrooke University in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Portland Cement, to the graduated engineers and technicians wishing to improve their knowledge of the concrete.